LNG For Sale
The total volume of natural gas has an average of 30,000,000 000.00 ± 5% of cubic meters of 2011
.Russian origin DDU GMS Terminal Baumgarten (Austria),
Natural gas is of Russian origin, sold under the contract at the point of delivery will be in accordance with GOST 5542-87, quality specifications in Appendix # 3 as well as the specifications of the calorific value: Main calorific value of T = 20 ° C and pressure of 1.033227 kg / cm 2 will be 8000 + / — 100 kcal / m 3, or 33.4944 + / -0.4187 MWA.
Price determined for the period of contract for 1 000 m3 — US $ 270 — $ 280) on the basis of DDU.