Продаём Diesel Fuel EN -590 10 ppm 20,000 MT х 12

Продаём Diesel Fuel EN -590 10 ppm 20,000 MT х 12

1. Product: Diesel Fuel EN -590 10 ppm
2. Origin: Germany
3. Specifications of quality: as set forth in Appendix 1 to the present FCO
4. Quantity: The minimal lot to be 1,200 MT +/- 5%.
The minimal monthly lot to be 19,000 MT +/- 5% in weight, the maximum monthly lot to be 21,000 MT +/- 5%.
5. Delivery: on basis ExW the station of loading: harbor Rotterdam (Netherlands) code: 005504
6. Price: is calculated as the average of quotations published in Platt’s European Marketscan under the
heading FOB NWE for ULSD 10 ppm one (1) day before the date of loading minus 10,00 USD per one (1)
metric ton . tk.allance.grup@yandex.ru pablik1969(Skype)

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