Покупаем бонды c паской которые ликвидные с KYC i CIC i POL

Покупаем бонды c паской которые ликвидные с KYC i CIC i POL

Chinese Bonds:
1. Chinese 1913 Providence of Petchili Gold Loan Bonds:
L20 Bonds. Price: B.
Super Petchili Bonds: Market — estimated to be double the standard Petchili, or more
2. Chinese 1913, Five Percent Reorganization Gold Loan Bonds:
20#. Price: M.
100#. Price: 0M
3. Chinese 1912 & 1937, Liberty Bonds — all denominations and Escalera’s:
. Price: B+
. Price: B+
. Price: B+
0. Price: 0B+
,000. Price: ,000B
,000. Price: ,200B+
0,000. Price: Market
0,000. Price: Market
,000 Ecalara Suite (5 Bonds). Price: ,200B+
,000 Ecalara Suite (6 Bonds). Price: ,500B+
0,000 Ecalara Suite (7 Bonds). Price: Market
1912 Issued Liberty’s: Market
1912 Liberty GBC (Gold Bullion Certificate): Market
4. Chinese Victory Bonds — all denominations and Escalera’s: Market — estimated to be consistent with the above Liberty bonds
5. Chinese Lung Tsing U-Hai Railway, issued 1913 Bonds: Market
6. Not listed, but we have submitted these in case the Trustee will buy them: Chinese: Imperial, Gold Loan, Gold Bond, Lung Tsing U-Hai (non RR): Pricing is Unknown and probably at «Market»
Mexican Bonds:
1. Black Eagle, 1843, 27,500 Pesos. Price: B, all denominations and Escalera’s at Market
2. San Luis Potosi, 1897, Silver & Gold. Price: B, and other denominations
3. Queen Victoria 1000 Pesos. Price: B, and other denominations
4. 4-Heads Presidents. Price: B
5. Winston Churchill, 1906. Price: 0-300M
6. Big Umbrella. Price: Market
7. Christopher Columbus (Black Diamond?): Price: Market
8: Mexican Consolidated Treasury, 1885. Price: Market
9. Not listed, but we have submitted these in case the Trustee will buy them: Queen Elizabeth, Blueberries, Maximilian: Pricing is Unknown and probably at «Market»

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